Thursday, April 4, 2013

Why are Shocklands so Good?

When I first saw a shockland, I thought, how is this a rare? I have thought and thought and thought some more, but still can not figure out why shocklands are so great. It might have made sense if the gates were not there. To me, they seem like the exact same card except that you can pay 2 life and have them come into the battlefield un-tapped. James Dean pointed out to me on my first Dragon's Maze Spoilers True-or-False that you can search for them with a card like Farseek and they count for effect that require the basic land like Wild Nacatl. Still, is this worth $17 or $40 for a foil? Please comment and help me understand what else makes shocklands so amazing.


  1. it is a ex/. mountain forest insteaad of land so u can untap it with arbor elf or u can fetch land for it so people like it cause u can manipulate the wording to advantage you for example i use liliana dark realms to search for swamps and i go get my blood crypts for my mono black mutilate deck and because mutilate gives -1 -1 to creatures equal to swamps it still counts as a swaamp i hope this helped :)

  2. it is a ex/. mountain forest insteaad of land so u can untap it with arbor elf or u can fetch land for it so people like it cause u can manipulate the wording to advantage you for example i use liliana dark realms to search for swamps and i go get my blood crypts for my mono black mutilate deck and because mutilate gives -1 -1 to creatures equal to swamps it still counts as a swaamp i hope this helped :)

  3. also fetch lands can find them if you are playing the Modern format.

    The main reason, however, is that they can come into play untapped when you need them to (especially turn 1).
